…The McCreas go back almost two centuries in New Brunswick, and over the years since the first tree was cut, their property in Shannon has grown to more than 2,400 hectares of farm and forest land. Every year, thousands of cords of softwood would be hauled out of the McCrea woods near the Washademoak Lake, enough to employ four men operating a pair of skidders and two logging trucks. But no longer. Forestry giant J.D. Irving Ltd. has changed its way of doing business, bringing logging at McCrea Farms to a complete stop. Under a new “model” reminiscent of bygone times, JDI now buys its logs the way it wants from whom it wants — mostly turning its back on the forest marketing boards created to make the system fair. “I’m not anti-Irving,” said McCrea, who considers JDI co-CEO Jim Irving, and his father, J.K. Irving, friends of the family.