BC extends Fairy Creek logging deferral amid tree spiking reports

By Marcy Nicholson
The Canadian Press in CTV News
January 29, 2025
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The BC government has approved a legal order to extend temporary protections to an old-growth forest on Vancouver Island even as the minister of forests acknowledged that the RCMP are investigating reports of tree spiking. Ravi Parmar called the news of such vandalism “incredibly alarming.” Spikes are typically metal and can injure or even kill a person who attempts to cut down or mill the tree. …The minister said spiking puts health and safety of forestry workers at risk, adding that the province immediately notified both the forestry licensee and the local First Nation. “It is outrageous that… they feel that causing serious injury to workers furthers their cause,” said Brian Butler, president of United Steelworkers Local 1-1937. The provincial government’s announcement… came at the request of the Pacheedaht First Nation, whose territories encompass the entire watershed. The protections allow for continued discussions about the long-term management of the watershed.

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