Cabinet position ‘a privilege’: Powell River-Sunshine Coast MLA

By Paul Galinski
Sunshine Coast Reporter
November 19, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Randene Neill

Calling it the honour of her lifetime, Powell River-Sunshine Coast MLA Randene Neill has been appointed to cabinet as the minister of water, land and resource stewardship. She said she was … “absolutely thrilled” that he offered water, land and resource stewardship to her. “It was the ministry that I most wanted,” said Neill. …Neill said her attraction to the ministry came in part as a result of her responsibilities with the BC Parks Foundation, working as the communications lead, before she decided to run for the provincial office. She said a big part of her job was working with the team to create the conservation fund, which is a conservation financing mechanism to help support and protect 30 per cent of BC’s lands and waters by 2030. “The ministry that I am now the minister of has a lot of work to do on that file, so I felt really drawn to it,” said Neill.

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