Canfor to curtail operations at Fort St. John sawmill amid rail strike

By Steve Berard
Energetic City Fort St. John
August 6, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

FORT ST. JOHN, B.C. — A Revised Curtailment Notice has been issued for the Fort St. John Canfor sawmill. According to the notice, the mill will be temporarily curtailing its operations due to an impending rail strike. According to a report from the Canadian Press first published August 5th, the strike would involve “thousands of railworkers” and affect freight traffic across the country. The revised curtailment will run from August 19th until the 30th. Weekday shift workers will re-start their first regularly scheduled shift on September 3rd, graveyard shift workers will return on the 2nd, and weekend shift personnel will resume their work on August 30th. The notice also says that critical positions will be scheduled “as needed.”

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