Celebrating 100 Years of Wood Trade between Canada and Japan : Part II

Canada Wood Group
July 9, 2023
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, International

The second article in the series commemorating the centenary of Canada-Japan timber trade which underscores Canada’s commitment to the Japanese market, was published on June 30 in the Nikkan Mokuzai newspaperThe first article covered 1923-1970, while the second spans 1974 to 2000. The initial article outlined how the rapid expansion of the housing sector during 1960s and 1970s, fueled by robust economic growth, prompted home builders and the government to seek alternatives to the traditional post and beam (P&B) construction method. This led to the burgeoning interest in platform-frame construction (2×4). Against this backdrop, Canadian lumber companies had been actively marketing their products to Japan, and in January 1974 the COFI Japan Office was established to promote the 2×4 method and high-quality wood products from Canada. That year, the Japanese government enabled 2×4 construction to be executed in a manner akin to traditional post and beam methods … opening up the market for 2×4 construction…

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