City seeks new urban forester and new urban forestry plan

By Matt Prokopchuk
January 21, 2025
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Cory Halvorsen

The City of Thunder Bay is currently working at hiring a new urban forester, according to the city’s manager of parks and open spaces. “We’re still working through the recruitment on that, so it’s vacant at this time,” said parks manager Cory Halvorsen. Aside from drafting up a new management plan, Halvorsen said that other top priorities for urban forestry include continuing to manage the emerald ash borer (both by removing infected ash trees and replacing them with other species, as well as treating a set number of existing ones with an insecticide), and following through on proactive maintenance and increasing the number of planted trees. “Every year we do have — whether it’s through impacts from EAB or just the natural cycle of the trees — we have a certain amount of loss each year that we offset through the annual tree plant,” Halvorsen said.

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