Climate change to lower timber prices in Oregon, Washington and California

By John Ross Ferrara
KOIN 6 News
January 16, 2025
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: United States, US West

The increased threat of wildfires and potential damages to timberlands from drought, fire and smoke are expected to reduce timber prices in Oregon, Washington and California in the coming decades, according to Oregon’s 2025 climate assessment. Wildfires and drought have caused $11.2 billion in damages to privately owned timberland in Oregon, Washington and California in the last 20 years, a 2023 Oregon State University study showed. The damages resulted in a 10% reduction in the value of private timberland in the three states…“When the risk of wildfire increases, then future timber harvest revenues become less certain for buyers and owners of forest land, and that’s why they’re willing to pay less and what explains the negative effect we find of wildfires on timberland prices.”

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