Economic impact of AHF Products mill closure in Warren and South Arkansas timber industry

By Rebecca Montgomery
The Magnolia Reporter
July 31, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States

ARKANSAS — South Arkansas received news Tuesday, July 30, 2024 that AHF Products will be closing its hardwood facility in Warren with a closure date of September 27, 2024, immediately affecting the local and state economy. …The loss of 130 jobs at AHF will produce a total loss 275 jobs across the region resulting in the loss of $16 million in labor income. County tax revenues will decline by $350,000 and state tax revenue will decline by $1.6 million. Arkansas’ gross domestic product (GDP) will decline by $36 million. …Closure of the mill not only will affect residents of Bradley County but will have a ripple effect across the region and state. …“While we are indefinitely idling the plant, our plan is to retain ownership of the facility, which will allow us to restart it; however, we do not foresee this happening soon,” said AHF Products President and CEO Brian Carson.

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