Forest industry answers caribou policies critic

Letter by Kate Lindsay, VP, Forest Products Association of Canada
The Chronicle Journal
December 10, 2017
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Kate Lindsay

On behalf of Canada’s forestry sector and its workers, I wanted to take the opportunity to respond to the op-ed in The Chronicle-Journal Nov. 27 – Boreal Caribou: Scientists refute forestry claims.  Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) and our members have been involved in caribou research, adaptive management practices for caribou, as well as working collaboratively with First Nations, local communities and partners for many years, and for some companies, multiple decades.  Actively managing our forests is complex work that includes fire suppression and pest management. This work also supports many values, including, watershed protection, wetland stewardship, and species at risk. In the boreal forest alone, our workers manage not just for caribou, but for hundreds of mammals, birds, and fish that call the forest home. …The misrepresentation of the purpose and content of our informational website at is unfortunate.

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