Forestry Australia’s Carbon Credit Plan For Native Forests Sparks Climate Concerns

By Theodora Stankova
Carbon Herald
September 27, 2024
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: International

Researchers are warning against a recent proposal by Australia’s forestry industry to remove trees from native forests, potentially including national parks, to claim carbon credits… Forestry Australia’s proposal includes activities like adaptive harvesting and forest thinning in national parks, state forests, and private land, with land managers being rewarded with carbon credits… and argues that the method would make ecosystems more resilient and help fight climate change. However, decades of scientific research suggest that the proposal could have the opposite effect… Studies show that practices like “adaptive harvesting” and “forest thinning” can make forests more fire-prone, degrade forest health, and release carbon during tree removal, undermining any intended climate benefits. Moreover, Australia’s declining biodiversity and emissions-reduction goals are at risk if native forests are harvested further.

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