The Forest Products Association of Canada announced its 2024 Awards of Excellence, recognizing TOLKO’s Brad Thorlakson. In other Business news: Georgia Power looks to International Paper to expand its wood energy business; a BC arbitrator upholds Western Forest Products’ post-incident drug and alcohol test; Columbia Falls Weyerhaeuser MDF plant celebrates 50 years; and more on One Sky Forest Products’ OSB mill announcement.
In Forestry/Climate news: Canada’s GHG emissions dropped in 2023; municipal leaders say’s Canada’s caribou plan will hurt rural communities; and more on Stanley Park’s dead-tree logging plan. In Wildfire news: Canada and BC invest in wildfire resilience; BC FireSmart efforts saved homes; more of northeast BC burned in 2023, 2024 than previous 60 years combined; Montana highlights impact of fuel reduction work; and Peru and Portugal declare states of emergency.
Finally, Japanese scientists unlock nature’s wood-eating secrets.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor