The catastrophe of wildfire is creating interesting politics in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom, former mayor of San Francisco, America’s liberal center, has waived environmental reviews and permitting requirements to allow Los Angeles wildfire victims to rebuild their homes with less oversight and regulation. …It’s remarkable that Newsom put the Coastal Commission in a choke hold. Over-regulation is the charge Republicans have leveled at the commission for years. …Given Republican Donald Trump’s win, are Democrats adjusting their politics to meet the moment? Are environmental rules that have guided development for over half century still relevant when wildfires burn whole communities and forests? …How the stress of wildfires changes the way we consider environmental regulations will be something to watch in the coming years. Trump wants make such rules go away. That’s not right. But giving a blanket waiver as Newsom has done may not work well, either.