Once logging is done and lumber is sawn, what do you do with the wood chips, bark and sawdust that’s left?What do other manufacturers and mills do with their wood waste? These materials are commonly used for mulch, fuel, composite products and animal bedding. But what if wood residuals could be used for other products and generate more revenue? Innovative uses for wood residuals are the focus of the Green Gold: Wood Residuals Summit May 6-8 in Traverse City. “The management of wood residuals presents an economic and operational challenge that has cascading impacts on the health of our forests and forestry sector,” said Julie Manley, chair of the Michigan Forest Biomaterials Institute, the event host. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is a sponsor. “New products are proving that sawdust, bark and chips can be used in insulation, adhesives, chemicals and more – with the added climate benefit of embedded carbon.