NEW HAMPSHIRE, — The Liberty Trail on Mt. Chocorua is one of the most popular hiking paths in the White Mountain National Forest. …But the recent approval of a logging project in late June in the Sandwich Range has animated long simmering tensions over the best way to manage the national forest. The project will log more than 600 acres, a relatively tiny portion of the Sandwich Range’s more than 35,000 acreage. But it will cut trees near spots popular for hiking, bringing logging trucks to normally quiet slices of the forest. …Many Granite Staters may see the White Mountain National Forest as similar to a national park. But in reality, national forests are managed with economic considerations front of mind — which means supporting local timber industries as well as recreation-based tourism. “National forests are not national parks,” said Deputy Forest Service Chief Chris French. “They are intended to work under a multiple-use mandate.”