The NDP—BC Green Party Caucus (BCGC) Agreement includes the following three Environment initiatives:
- Government will work with the BCGC to undertake a review of BC forests with First Nations, workers, unions, business and community to address concerns around sustainability, jobs, environmental protection and the future of the industry. Government will work with the BCGC to establish the detailed terms of reference for this review, which are subject to the approval of both parties. The BCGC will be fully involved in all elements of the review and the resulting report will be made public within 45 days of completion.
- Pending the resolution of existing legal proceedings and community negotiations, and in partnership with the Ditidaht and Pacheedaht First Nations, the Government will move forward to ensure permanent protection of the Fairy Creek Watershed.
- Government will strengthen collaborative local processes around water management at the watershed level and identify clear actions to improve local governance that will be implemented in later years of its mandate.