New film documents threatened old-growth forests

By Sami Godlove
The Bend Bulletin
August 22, 2024
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

…Flat Country (in the Willamette National Forest) is one of the featured forests in a newly released film titled “Crown Jewels,” which documents a year-long journey through some of the last ancient forests left in the US–including stops in West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Oregon. The film is directed by Alex Haraus, a renowned environmental activist and impact producer. Haraus is involved with a national campaign to protect mature and old-growth forests across the U.S. Through his activism on social media, over half a million comment letters were submitted by the public to the Forest Service last summer in support of protecting these forests. …As a draft old-growth forest plan amendment is currently being rolled out by the Forest Service, “Crown Jewels” explores what may be gained, or lost, as a result of the final decision. The film is available to watch for free on YouTube. 

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