The new Cariboo Wood Innovation Training Hub brings industry leaders together to talk wood and add value

By Andie Mollins
Williams Lake Tribune
December 20, 2024
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: Canada, Canada West

Stephanie Ewen

The Alex Fraser Research Forest (AFRF) and partners are stirring things up for Cariboo woodworkers who on Dec. 12 were invited to visit the research forest’s main office in Williams Lake. It’s all part of a new initiative known as the Cariboo Wood Innovation Training Hub (CWITH), an opportunity for the Cariboo to strengthen its wood industry by coming together and sharing ideas. “We’re hoping to start offering courses in January, but I think that will just be the first step,” said Stephanie Ewen, manager of the AFRF, the University of British Columbia’s research forest. What the innovation hub will come to be is not entirely clear, but there are ideas, and the team of bright minds supporting the project, which includes the Cariboo Regional District, are encouraging others to contribute their own ideas. An open house was held December 12… 

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