…LA, and much of the United States, was asking how wildfires could rage out of control in one of the richest cities in the world – a city with a long history of dealing with fire. What could have, what should have, been done? And who was to blame? …“There is an element of human hubris in this to think we can have full control,” Dr. Edith de Guzman, a cooperative extension specialist in adaptation policy who has closely studied impacts from the climate crisis on communities, said. “Nobody would blame officials for not stopping a hurricane – when a hurricane comes, it comes.” …What hit LA last week was a perfect storm – a combination of extreme weather, a warming climate, human hubris and and safety measures that have been delayed or disregarded for decades. …Firefighters faced an enormous task, both Safford and de Guzman said. And the homes they were defending were built in absolutely untenable places.