Kenneth A. Margolis, New York — Who says bipartisanship is dead? President Trump and California Gov. Gavin Newsom have found common ground. Both seem determined to cripple the rebuilding effort in Los Angeles.
David P. Tenny, National Alliance of Forest Owners — Your editorial claims that the wood supply in the U.S. is limited and that private forests can’t sustainably meet demand. This isn’t the case. Americans, especially those recovering from recent disasters, need affordable housing built with renewable and sustainable materials like wood. U.S. private forest owners are prepared to meet this demand with sustainably grown timber.
John Fortugno, Washington — I see huge, carbon-spewing ships, piled high with raw, unprocessed logs from Washington State leave Olympia weekly, bound for Japan. Meanwhile, nearby lumber mills in rural areas with high unemployment sit idle. Democrats should support President Trump’s efforts to open more federal lands for logging.
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