Tolko sawmill employees updated on EI and training

By Monica Lamb-Yorski
BC Local News
November 29, 2017
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, Canada West

Tolko employees impacted by the Nov. 2 Lakeview fire were equipped with information about unemployment insurance and retraining opportunities at a union meeting held Tuesday in Williams Lake. About 50 people attended the information session … and heard from representatives from Service Canada, WorkBC and United Steelworkers Union Local 1-2017 vice-president Paul French. In advance of the meeting, employees had sent questions to the union’s project manager Terry Tate, and the Service Canada representative answered them all. …Tate told the Tribune Tuesday that of the 175 employees normally working at the mill, about 75 are not working. Tolko’s manager of external and stakeholder relations Tom Hoffman said Wednesday that crews are still pulling apart the areas damaged by the fire and the damage is still being assessed.

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