Microbes in the bark of trees play a vital role in removing methane from the atmosphere, scientists have discovered. The greenhouse gas is a product of agriculture and the burning of fossil fuels and is 28 times more potent than carbon dioxide. However, it remains in the atmosphere for a shorter time. Methane has been responsible for about 30% of global heating since preindustrial times, with emissions currently rising at their fastest rate since the 1980s. The study by the University of Birmingham investigated methane absorption levels in upland tropical forests in the Amazon and Panama; temperate broadleaf trees in Wytham Woods in Oxfordshire in the UK; and boreal coniferous forest trees in Sweden. … Prof Vincent Gauci said: “Our results suggest that planting more trees, and reducing deforestation must be important parts of any approach towards the Global Methane Pledge to cut methane emissions by 30% by the end of the decade.”