Up in smoke: Two governors see needed forestry funds going to fight increasingly intense fires

The Keene Sentinel
December 1, 2017
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US East

Chris Sununu and Phil Scott

…according to Gov. Chris Sununu and his Vermont counterpart Phil Scott, the fact that New England states aren’t often associated with wildfires doesn’t mean we don’t have a stake in fighting them. In a recent letter to congressional leaders, the two GOP state executives urged action on two fronts concerning the U.S. Forest Service’s budget. …Sununu and Scott note all the states’ forestry agencies get funding from the U.S. Forest Service, used for fire prevention, forest management and education statewide. …Sununu and Scott want the Forest Service’s budget to be handled differently. They’re asking for massive forest fires to be treated the same as other weather-driven disasters, such as hurricanes and floods, instead of drawing money from the Forest Service’s operating budget.

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