Weyerhaeuser’s Longview lumber mill fined $145,000 for stormwater violations

Washington Dept of Ecology
Washington State
July 30, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: United States, US West

LONGVIEW, Washington — The Washington Department of Ecology issued two penalties totaling $145,000 to Weyerhaeuser for stormwater violations at the company’s Longview lumber mill. The penalties include 36 stormwater discharge violations, 15 monitoring requirements violations, and 16 reporting requirement violations, all of which occurred between July 2022 and May 2024. Weyerhaeuser found that the mill’s stormwater contained low oxygen levels, which can harm aquatic plants and animals. The stormwater also had solids (which could include copper and other metals) above the permitted limits. Solid Waste Program Manager Peter Lyon said the company reported these violations, but not within the time that the permit required. …Other violations stemmed from changes Weyerhaeuser made to their stormwater system… however, the company didn’t get required approvals from Ecology, and the changes have the potential to worsen pollution problems at the mill. …Weyerhaeuser has 30 days to appeal the penalties.

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