Where forestry and gaming intersect: a need for better internet in rural B.C.

By Andrew Kurjata
CBC News
January 5, 2018
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Randal Stark

Visiting his home in northern British Columbia for Christmas, Randal Stark noticed a problem: the internet was slow. “Comparing the internet to anywhere else in the world, it’s pretty laughable. …Will Cadell, the founder of an online mapping company and chair of Prince George’s Innovation Central Society said access to the internet and cloud computing was becoming increasingly important, even in traditional resource industries. …He used the example of forestry companies monitoring how well their machines and workers perform in sub-zero temperatures as a way of deciding when it no longer becomes worthwhile to operate. …Tim Caldecott of FPInnovations… said much of the industry was operating the same as it had in the 1980s. …”If you want to see the next major leap in the forest industry in B.C., I think that will be one way to make that happen.”

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