White House pans House forest bill on the floor this week

The Tree Frog Forestry News
September 24, 2024
Category: Today's Takeaway

The US Administration panned the Republic-led ‘Fix Our Forests Act’ set for consideration in the House. In related news: Trudeau tells Stephen Colbert Americans are paying too much for lumber; and BC’s John Brink submits price to acquire four Canfor sawmills. Meanwhile: the US mass timber revolution needs better data; Kamloop’s mayor wants a new mass timber bridge; and Stora Enso celebrates its new mass timber head office in Finland.

In Forestry/Climate news: Quebec’s pension fund plans to invest in US forestlands; the US Endowment invests in the health and vitality of working forests; the US Sierra Club calls for more action on old-growth; a new study says California should start counting GHGs from logging; and Florida’s forest landowners brace for another hurricane.

Finally, the Globe and Mail features three forest stories during National Forest Week.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor 

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