10 Top post-grad job placement schools for Forestry in North America

The Working Forest
February 16, 2024
Category: Business & Politics
Region: Canada, United States

The Working Forest dug into some stats and created a list of 10 Schools in Canada and USA with forest related programs that have high post-grad job placement rates. Before we make the big reveal, here’s some of the criteria we considered: Job Placement Rate; Starting; Salary; Reputation; Research Opportunities; and Alumni Network. Considering the criteria, we created the chart below.

Rank   School Placement   Salary      Reputation   Research   Alumni   
1 University of British Columbia 95% $60,000 Excellent Abundant Strong
2 University of Montana 85% $50,000 Very Good Moderate Moderate
3 Oregon State University 80% $55,000 Good Limited Strong
4 University of Wisconsin-Madison 75% $50,000 Very Good Abundant Strong
5 Michigan Technological University   80% $55,000 Good Moderate Moderate
6 University of California, Berkeley 75% $65,000 Excellent Abundant Strong
7 University of Alberta 80% $60,000 Good Abundant Strong
8 Auburn University 70% $45,000 Good Limited Moderate
9 Northern Arizona University 75% $50,000 Good Moderate Moderate
10 University of Maine 70% $45,000 Good Abundant Strong


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