30 years after Clayoquot Sound protests, old-growth logging continues unabated: B.C. conservation group

By Chad Pawson
CBC News
August 30, 2023
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The Sierra Club of B.C. says the logging of large old trees in verdant, biodiverse forests on Vancouver Island has continued mostly unabated in the 30 years since one of the biggest acts of civil disobedience in Canadian history. “We have ongoing industrial devastation of the last intact forests,” said the conservation group’s Jens Wieting in Vancouver. “We have few exceptions. We need a breakthrough in terms of conservation solutions.” …The Sierra Club of B.C. and the Tla-o-qui-aht used provincial data to show that in 1993 there were about 6,870 square kilometres of productive old-growth rainforest — trees at least 140 years or older — left on Vancouver Island. That’s about 31 per cent of what’s estimated to have been there before industrialized logging began. Thirty years later, the groups say the remaining productive old-growth rainforest on the island is 4,470 square kilometres — about 20 per cent of the amount before logging began.

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