8 Architectural Opinions of 2023 (for Enhanced Eco-Efficiency in Construction)

By Fabian Dejtiar
Arch Daily
December 14, 2023
Category: Wood, Paper & Green Building
Region: International

If the past few years were a perfect occasion for reflecting and debating on well-being, digitalization, and democratization in architectural design, this 2023 has been a tremendous opportunity to delve deeper and comment on other urgent topics. …A range of insights emerged among various city stakeholders.

  • Circular Economy: Towards Efficient Adaptation for All Urban Stakeholders
  • Light and Architecture: The Lighting of the Future is a Challenge that Involves All Living Beings
  • Contemporary Housing: What it’s Really Like and How We Can Improve It
  • Water and Architecture: A Debate on Water Footprint and Rainwater as a New Material
  • Design Process: Good Design (Not) Always Depends on Software
  • Color in Architecture: It Already has a Technical Justification for its Choice, Energy Efficiency
  • The Future of Wood: If Wood is the Future of Urban Construction, Technological Possibilities Will Need to Expand
  • Decarbonizing Architecture: Entering a New Era of Cooling and Energy Efficiency

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