Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry says action being taken to save Lake Superior caribou

CBC News
December 7, 2017
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

Ontario’s minister of Natural Resources and Forestry says the province is taking steps to save the southernmost caribou herd in the country from extinction. It’s on Michipicoten Island in Lake Superior, where they were reintroduced in the early 1980s. The population grew to over 700 at one point, but has been cut down after wolves walked across the ice a few years ago. It’s since declined to under 100 caribou. On Thursday, the minister released a statement about the province’s plan to take action. Kathryn McGarry says her ministry has been working with Michipicoten First Nation Chief Patricia Tangie to come up with a solution. “We will be transporting a suitable portion of the caribou population to the Slate Islands to ensure the continued viability of this important species on an island free from predators,” she said in statement.

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