O&C Counties seek summary judgment in BLM lawsuit

By Alex Paul
The Albany Democrat-Herald
December 15, 2017
Category: Forestry
Region: United States, US West

The Association of O&C Counties on Tuesday filed a summary judgment memorandum in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., asking the court to rule on whether the Bureau of Land Management’s resource management plan lives up to a decades-old contract outlining annual timber harvests and resulting payments to 17 counties in western Oregon. Linn County is one of the O&C (Oregon & California) counties that filed the original lawsuit in August 2016. …A summary judgment memorandum is a request by one party in a legal matter asking for a judge to rule in its favor without a jury trial.  …“This is another step in the process,” County Commissioner John Lindsey said of this week’s legal motion. “This management plan severely limits timber management and harvest levels. O&C lands were set aside under an agreement for commercial timber production to benefit counties. “

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