A single paper mill in Washington State could rock the newspaper industry in 2018, if as expected, President Trump slaps duties on groundwood paper from Canada. The higher costs will squeeze US newspapers already coping with 28 straight years of declining circulation and increased competition from the internet. “Witless protectionism” according to Allan Golombek of the White House Writers Group.
In other news: Quesnel’s mayor worries that the Site C dam will hurt BC’s biomass industry; Northern Pulp is accused of bullying its Nova Scotia critics; a rare tree find may help to repopulate Ontario’s nearly doomed American chestnut; and plastic bag bans and bioplastics are challenging the oil industry’s growth plans.
Finally, in his year end report, Tim Ryan signs off as BC Forest Practices Board Chair and board members Bill McGill and Ralph Archibald complete their terms.
We hope you had a great holiday break.
— Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor