Q&A: How Oregon’s Cap And Trade System Would Work

By Cassandra Profita
Oregon Public Broadcasting
January 10, 2018
Category: Carbon, Climate & Bioenergy
Region: United States, US West

Oregon lawmakers are considering a major change in how the state will go about reducing its contributions to climate change. …The Clean Energy Jobs Bill introduced Wednesday would launch a cap and trade system that would limit some of those emissions and charge businesses for the right to pollute. The system would be similar to existing programs in California and some Canadian provinces. …The state would set a cap on total greenhouse emissions, and about 100 companies in the state’s largest industries would be required to buy pollution permits to cover their emissions. …It also creates a market for offset projects, so a forest landowner in Oregon could sell the carbon sequestration credits from not cutting down trees. Buying an offset credit may be a cheaper option for companies that need to reduce their emissions or buy a pollution permit.

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