Longview, Wash. – Following the United States International Trade Commission decision on unfair trade of uncoated groundwood papers (UGW) from Canada, Craig Anneberg, CEO of the North Pacific Paper Company (NORPAC), issued the following statement: “We are very disappointed in the USITC’s negative determination, given that the record clearly shows that the domestic industry has been materially injured by dumped and subsidized imports from Canada. We intend to review the USITC’s written determination when it is issued in a few weeks, and we will assess our options at that time.” In its August 2 final countervailing duty (CVD) and antidumping (AD) determinations, Commerce found the Canadian industry UGW papers industry was subsidized by an average of 8.54 percent, with countervailing duty deposits ranging from 3.38 to 9.81 percent. Commerce also found in its final antidumping determination that imports of UGW papers from Canada produced by Catalyst Paper are being dumped in the U.S. market at up to 16.88 percent less than fair value.