Architect Peter Busby proposes to build the world’s largest and greenest wood tower—a 35- or 40-storey mass timber structure—in Vancouver. In related news: FPInnovations announces world-renowned speakers for Woodrise 2019; and Project Learning Tree launches its Green Ride (all 8750 km of it) for Green Jobs.
In Forestry/Climate news: Vicky Husband calls for citizen action on plans to log near BC’s Juan de Fuca park; Ontario proposes changes to its Endangered Species Act; 80% of US parents want climate change taught in the class room; a Perdue Univ. prof says large-scale carbon sequestration would send food prices soaring; and the Arbor Day Foundation announces its forest stewardship winners.
Finally, just in case you were busy looking for Easter eggs, you can check out yesterday, last week or last year’s headlines, as we archive them all. Here’s our coverage on FPAC’s Women and Gender Diversity in the forest sector panel.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor