Western Forest Products is the latest to announce temporary production curtailments at three BC mills. In related news: the human and region-wide impacts of Canfor’s Vavenby closure; another take on BC’s timber-rights sale issue; and the politics behind the cancellation of BC’s recent trade mission to China.
In Forestry news: calling for an end to old-growth logging in BC—the Sierra Club protested at the offices of 17 BC politicians, securing media coverage that includes Victoria, Prince George, Nanaimo, Surrey and Campbell River. In response, the TLA’s David Elstone penned an op-ed saying that BC has the most sustainably managed forests in the world. Elsewhere: Ontario’s new Homes Act has species-at-risk implications; and more from FPAC on FSC’s new certification standard.
Finally, the US Forest Service applauds the first mass timber sports arena in the country.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor