In a split decision, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that Weyerhaeuser and Resolute must pay for Grassy Narrows mill-site maintenance. In other Business news: Russia surpasses Canada in softwood lumber exports; BC’s forestry crisis a huge risk to NDP; Ontario’s forest strategy means more logging; Corner Brook Pulp and Paper is closing for two weeks; and letters for and agin Northern Pulp’s future.
In Forestry/Climate news: Harmac Pacific accesses BC’s clean energy fund; Quebec’s Premier heads to Hollywood to talk carbon trading; the potential of biomass is overlooked in the UK; saving the Tongass from renewed logging; and Brazil says it can’t stop deforestation without the help of rich countries.
Finally, Kelowna’s wood-frame high-rise; and tackling climate change one building at a time.
Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor