2020 outlook positive on multiple fronts

January 6, 2020
Category: Today's Takeaway

Despite a challenging 2019, FPAC’s Derek Nighbor says the future is bright for Canada’s forest product industry. So too say ERA’s Kevin Mason; CNBC’s Diana Olick; Furture Markets’ Willam Strausss and the Motley Fool. Meanwhile: Nova Scotia names transition team on fallout of its Northern Pulp decision, while the company considers keeping the plant in hot idle.

In Forestry/Wildfire news: spring flooding in BC may be worsened due to logging; Washington state is being sued by ENGOs and others over plans to sell timber; agriculture contemplates life without glyphosate; and Canada and the US send more specialists to help Australia as the gov’t calls up 3000 reservists, and says it will pay “whatever it takes“.

Finally, we’re still working out the bugs with our bigger and better server. Your patience is appreciated (as is your feedback along the way).

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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