Alberta oilsands mine shelved, Ontario police move on rail blockades

February 24, 2020
Category: Today's Takeaway

Teck Resources withdrew its Alberta oilsands application, citing evidence of unresolved, deep-lying tensions in Canada. In related news: FPAC’s Joel Neuheimer on CN Rail layoffs; Ontario moves in on Belleville area rail blockade; and Alberta cuts deal with two First Nations in anticipation of oilsand-project approval. In other Business news: the US International Trade Council says US millwork industry is harmed by imports from China and Brazil

In Forestry news: BC announces Peace Region caribou protection deal, but loss of  additional working forest is deeply disappointing to industry. Meanwhile, a new study says global warming will reduce natural regeneration in the Maritimes.

Finally, relive the ABCFP conference in pictures and through the Minister’s keynote address.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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