Coronavirus begets Fed action, cancellation of forestry events

March 16, 2020
Category: Today's Takeaway

The US Federal Reserve took emergency steps to help the economy withstand the coronavirus, and most forestry and wood product events are cancelled or postponed. In other Business news: Canada gives royal assent to new NAFTA trade deal; US forest industry revenues forecast to rise through 2024; Canada’s pulp market may be in for another hit; is now the time to bet on timber stocks; and the run on TP pushes IP’s stock up.

In other news: three three First Nation chiefs on the import of biomass to Northern Ontario; doubt replacing hope for proposed pellet plant in Newfoundland; BC adds funds to wildfire prevention in the north; and Australia’s fire-ravaged forests are recovering.

Finally, a full-throated take care from the Tree Frog News team.

Kelly McCloskey, Tree Frog Editor

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