Ghosts of Hastings Mill

Hastings Mill Museum
October 27, 2020
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

Visitors often ask if Old Hastings Mill Store Museum is haunted. While we will leave that question up for debate, we thought it would be interesting to share some stories and photos of other kinds of “ghosts” from Hastings Mill’s early times… Approximately 40 kilometres north of Campbell River, a gravel road turnoff leads to the seasonal vacation resort of Rock Bay, B.C. In the 1920s, Rock Bay was a Hastings Mill-owned logging community with a general store, hotel, hospital and a population of over 1500. Logging railway lines penetrated for miles into the thickly forested North Island region. Only vestiges of Rock Bay’s heyday years survive, including these weather-worn trestle timbers built over Pye Creek. …By the late 19th century, Hastings Mill-owned logging camps extended far up the BC coast as local timber stocks diminished. In some off-the-beaten-track wilderness locales, you may yet find an abandoned piece of rusting machinery gradually being swallowed by dense undergrowth.

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