Wrong to stop old-growth logging

Letter by Thomas Cheney
The Chilliwack Progress
August 6, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada West

The forestry issue has been a flashpoint issue in British Columbia for decades… While I have no problem calling out the forest industry when there are real concerns, the claims by the environmental movement that the last old growth is being logged are simply incorrect. …British Columbia has made immense progress in the protection of biodiversity and old growth since the early 1990s. For example, most of the coastal old growth is either protected or unloggable. …I believe there are better options than suddenly stopping old growth logging which would devastate the coastal forest products industry for a relatively small gain in biodiversity. …Using wood over alternatives saves a considerable amount of carbon dioxide… which means protecting old growth is not a particularly effective way to address to climate change. …a Working Forest land base would facilitate investments in growing trees that will allow a smaller area to produce more wood…

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