BC Forest Safety Council 2020 Annual Report now available

BC Forest Safety Council
August 9, 2021
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, Canada West

Most of us were happy to ring in 2021 and leave 2020 in the rear-view mirror as a notable chapter in the history books. And while we still have some challenges ahead, the road map is becoming clearer to a post-pandemic world. The forest sectors’ history of resilience positioned it well to meet the challenges associated with COVID-19, supporting the BC government declaring forestry and silviculture practices as essential services early in the pandemic. These efforts were supported across the industry and involved a concerted effort by employers, workers, unions, contractors and industry associations working collectively with BCFSC to achieve a common goal. Working in partnership with industry and WorkSafeBC, BCFSC pivoted its efforts to support employers to adapt to the challenges of operating in a pandemic. …This annual report provides an overview of the progress made by industry along with this year’s initiatives aimed at achieving our goal of Ensuring Every Forestry Worker Goes Home Safe Everyday.

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