Canadian Association of Retired Persons concerned about forestry impact on Nova Scotia’s Crown lands

By Ron Swan, Canadian Association of Retired Persons
The Saltwire Network
December 23, 2021
Category: Forestry
Region: Canada, Canada East

The membership of the Canadian Association of Retired Persons, Nova Scotia chapter (CARP NS), is comprised of seniors and others 45 years of age and older. This is a stage of life when thoughts increasingly turn to the legacy our generation will leave to our grandchildren and those who will follow. Considered from this perspective, the debate that is raging across Nova Scotia over the state of the province’s forests, particularly Crown-owned forest lands, is troubling and, frankly, alarming. …The obvious concern, identified in Lahey’s evaluation report …is that Crown lands required to meet the 20 per cent protection target …will continue to be lost to aggressive industrial forestry harvesting operations. CARP NS therefore finds itself in agreement with recommendations to significantly curtail industrial forestry operations on Crown land over the timeframe required for planning to meet the protected areas target and to delineate the triad zoning system.

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