Between June 22, 2022 and June 27th, 2022, a meeting on challenges to our future tree seed supply was held in British Columbia. The purpose of this tree seed meeting was to address a key bottleneck in the highly ambitious global reforestation goals – the sustained availability of high-quality and adapted tree seed.
Challenges to our future tree seed supply are real and begin with a lack of educational coverage, research funding and interest, and continued infrastructure investment. The tree seed supply system is taken for granted and unsustainable in its current form.
One of the meeting goals was to build strong relationships between organizations involved in this field: IUFRO 2.09.03: Seed Physiology and Technology; International Seed Testing Association Forest Tree and Shrub Committee, International Seed Federation Tree and Shrub group and our Canadian Tree Seed Working Group. Prioritization of efforts needs to consider the whole spectrum of activities from tree seed science to production and processing and ultimately the provision of the best seeds and information to the global tree seed market.
The program showcased “beautiful British Columbia” and highlighted our forests and tree seed facilities, allowed for scientific and technical exchanges, and attracted people globally from Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, the USA, and across Canada that are involved in our highly specialized field. The goal was to build relationships among those that want to co-operate and improve the existing tree seed systems in place, and create synergies and opportunities to ensure a clear and informed message is provided to decision and policymakers worldwide to address our challenges.
The group visited many seed –related facilities including: Mt Newton Seed Orchard and Arbutus Grove Nurseries in Sidney, Cowichan Lake Research Station, Yellow Point Propagation in Ladysmith, and the BC Tree Seed Centre in Surrey. The group also toured managed and unmanaged forest sites in the Cowichan Lake – Port Renfrew area, Avatar Grove, and the Port Renfrew Hatchery, then in transit to Surrey, stopped at the UBC Botanical Garden for a tour.
A good time was had by all, and many new contacts, working relationships and friendships were established. The BC host team included; Dave Kolotelo and Victoria Lei, BC Ministry of Forests Tree Seed Centre; Melissa Spearing , National Tree Seed Centre; and Don Pigott, Yellow Point Propagation.