BC’s government has made a show of protecting old-growth when really it is approving forest destruction at an alarming rate. B.C.’s grandstanding has been a jarring contrast to reality: the most at-risk old-growth forests are being cut down. …As old-growth logging continues, the reason behind B.C.’s misinformation campaign may be as insidious as it is predictable. …The B.C. government has cited a lack of Indigenous consent as its reason for failing to implement deferrals, even as it pursues a strategy that blocks deferrals sought by First Nations, and risks pitting First Nations against each other. …When First Nations must choose between logging remaining old-growth forests and having funds to support their communities, it violates their inherent rights to self-determination. …Immediately implementing all proposed logging deferrals is essential to restoring hope and trust in the province’s old-growth strategy. [to access the full story a National Observer subscription may be required]