VICTORIA — The New Democrats have been forced to defend their CleanBC climate plan because of the discovery that the government’s own modelling says it will hurt the economy. The province’s economic output would take a $28.1 billion hit according to the model, which was keyed to the CleanBC Roadmap for 2030, released earlier this year. The model didn’t get much attention until it was cited in a report last month from the B.C. Business Council. …The New Democrats have disputed the analysis, even though the projected $28.1 billion reduction in gross domestic product was derived from the government’s own economic modelling. Leading the NDP effort to discredit the report is George Heyman… who dismissed the report as misleading, unhelpful and just plain wrong. He also suggested that if the province were to abandon the emission reduction target for 2030, it would consign B.C. to a future of record-breaking floods and wildfires.