Grounding and Bonding of Silos Storing Wood Chips

By Jeramy Slaunwhite
Dust Safety Journal
December 7, 2023
Category: Health & Safety
Region: Canada, United States

Silos play a vital role in storing and handling a wide variety of materials.  …However, when it comes to storing combustible materials like wood chips, additional precautions must be taken to ensure safety and mitigate the risk of fire or explosion. One critical aspect of maintaining safety within a wood chip storage facility is the proper grounding and bonding of silos. This establishes an electrical connection between equipment or structures and the earth, while bonding prevents the buildup of static electricity. These measures are crucial for dissipating electrostatic charges and minimizing the potential for ignition. By familiarizing ourselves with them, we can take proactive steps to prevent accidents and mitigate potential damages. The evaluation and interpretation of combustible dust hazards in the wood industry starts with NFPA 652, The Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust and NFPA 664, the Standard for Combustible Dust Safety in Wood Processing Facilities. [Article can be found on page 12]

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