Working the forests of the future will need machinery of the future. Quesnel is a city unequivocally centred in the B.C. forest and centred on the B.C. forest industry. One of the effects of the biennial Future of Forestry Think Tank held in Quesnel is a set of companies, agencies, and government departments conversing about how Quesnel might well be positioned as a training hub for the latest in sustainable forestry practices. That dialogue took a step forward this past week when a high-tech piece of forestry equipment was set up right inside City Hall. This industrial machine is not a diesel-spewing roaring dinosaur of the bush, though. It is more like a video game console that only plays titles like Forwarder and Single-Grip Harvester – two of the logging machines emerging as international favourites for careful and nimble 21st century lumberjacking.