Despite employing fewer people today than since acquiring the Golden mill in 2022, Pacific Woodtech is optimistic about the company’s future growth. At the time of the acquisition from the previous ownership group Louisiana Pacific, the Golden mill employed 435 workers from the local area. The mill currently employs approximately 350 workers and supports another 200 workers through local contracting and supplier businesses. …In fact, as per Pacific Woodtechs Human Resources Department, they are currently bolstering their North American sales team, who are responsible for growth in both the Canadian and US markets. …Known as a ‘disrupter’ within the industry, Pacific Woodtech is determined to continue capturing market share away from larger producers of engineered wood products, including Boise Cascade and Weyerhaeuser. Originally founded in 1998, the Burlington, Washington based company has remained resolute in innovating its core products and is renowned for the quality of its production amongst its industry peers and customers.