Protesters have moved into another Bureau of Land Management project area in southern Oregon after claiming their tree-sitting prevented construction of a logging road in April. A protester is currently camping out around 100 feet above the ground in an old-growth Douglas fir they say is at risk of being cut down to make way for a logging road. The tree is in the BLM’s Rogue Gold Forest Management Project area near Rogue River. …The BLM’s Rogue Gold project includes commercial logging as well as fuels reduction to lessen wildfire risk. Activists claim the plan threatens old-growth trees that have habitat for threatened species like the northern spotted owl. …Tree-sitters declared victory after another proposed road they protested was abandoned in April. It was within the BLM’s nearby Poor Windy Forest Management Project. The BLM did not respond to a request for comment about protests at the Rogue Gold project.